3 Protection Spells You Must Know...!!!

In witchcraft, protection spells are commonly used to create a shield of spiritual defense and safeguard against negative energies, psychic attacks, or spiritual harm. Here are a few examples of protection spells in witchcraft:

1. Salt Circle Protection Spell:

Materials needed: 

Salt, small dish, or container


- Choose a space where you want to create a protective circle.

- Sprinkle a circle of salt around you or the designated area while focusing on the intention of creating a protective barrier.

- Visualize the salt forming a barrier that repels negative energies and entities.

- You can also recite a chant or affirmation, such as: "

By this salt circle, I am protected. No harm can pass through. I am safe and secure."

2. Protection Sachet Spell:

Materials needed: 

A small pouch, protective herbs (e.g., rosemary, basil, lavender), small crystal (e.g., black tourmaline, obsidian)


- Gather the protective herbs and place them inside the small pouch.

- Add the small crystal to the pouch.

- Hold the pouch in your hands and visualize it being filled with protective energy.

- Focus on your intention of carrying this sachet for personal protection.

- Tie the pouch securely and carry it with you or place it in a location where you need protection.

3. Candle Protection Spell:

Materials needed: 

White or black candle, carving tool, matches


- Choose a white or black candle, as these colors are often associated with protection.

- Carve protective symbols or words into the candle, such as runes or sigils representing protection.

- Set up a safe space for the candle, away from flammable materials.

- Light the candle and focus on its flame, visualizing it as a protective light surrounding you or your space.

- You can recite an incantation, such as: "By the light of this flame, protection I claim. I am shielded from harm, safe and warm."

Remember, the effectiveness of a spell lies in the intention and focus you put into it. It's important to adapt these spells to your personal beliefs, using symbols, incantations, and materials that resonate with you. Additionally, it's always a good idea to practice witchcraft responsibly and in alignment with your own ethical considerations.

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